πŸ‘‹ Welcome to sbijax!

πŸ‘‹ Welcome to sbijax!#

Simulation-based inference in JAX

sbijax implements several algorithms for simulation-based inference in JAX using Haiku, Distrax and BlackJAX. Specifically, sbijax implements


⚠️ As per the LICENSE file, there is no warranty whatsoever for this free software tool. If you discover bugs, please report them.


To install from PyPI, call:

pip install sbijax

To install the latest GitHub <RELEASE>, just call the following on the command line:

pip install git+https://github.com/dirmeier/sbijax@<RELEASE>

See also the installation instructions for JAX, if you plan to use sbijax on GPU/TPU.


Contributions in the form of pull requests are more than welcome. A good way to start is to check out issues labelled β€œgood first issue”.

In order to contribute:

  1. Clone sbijax and install hatch via pip install hatch,

  2. create a new branch locally git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature or git checkout -b issue/fixes-bug,

  3. implement your contribution and ideally a test case,

  4. test it by calling hatch run test on the (Unix) command line,

  5. submit a PR πŸ™‚



πŸ“ The API of the package is heavily inspired by the excellent Pytorch-based sbi package which is substantially more feature-complete and user-friendly.


sbijax is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.